
+506 8822 3383

Product Presentation




Product Presentation

There is never a second chance to make a first impression!
Product presentation is essential.

For busy sales or marketing managers of hotels or tour operators, product presentation tends to be a tedious task requiring a great deal of preparation and time. Consequently, the same presentation is often repeated over and over and fails to be fully beneficial. However, product presentation is a fundamental tool to stimulate the interests of agents and to encourage them to participate in a familiarization trip.

If agents are not familiar with a product, a presentation motivates them to know it and to include it in their programs. If they have already visited the site, a presentation gives them new information and updates their knowledge of the product.

In some cases, presentations must be offered frequently because of major changes like remodeling, new installations, added value, or other significant modifications. A presentation with the latest details about the product will prompt agents to keep the product at the forefront of their minds.

In a first-rate presentation, information must be provided precisely, leaving nothing in doubt. It must be presented through the finest quality photographs and videos and through well-written texts with correct spelling. Above all, the message must be factual, without inventing, without misleading, and without generating false expectations. What is delivered must be what is accurate.

In creating a presentation, it is our job first to learn all there is to know about your product and your priorities. After that, we prepare the materials with the greatest care and attention to detail. We pride ourselves on being worthy promoters of the product to the different market segments.

Nos encargamos de preparar el material y capacitarnos de lleno en el producto del cliente para ser dignos promotores del mismo en los diferentes segmentos de mercado.

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  • Ask about our services.
  • Request information and advice.

Independent consultant in the areas of image improvement, auditing and monitoring, specialized customer service, mystery shopper and tourism marketing.

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Heredia, Costa Rica

+506 8822 3383

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